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Call for Nominations KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards

Call for Nominations KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards


Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award



The KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award is an esteemed recognition designed to honour our distinguished alumni who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments and leadership in their professional fields. This award acknowledges individuals who have made significant contributions to the engineering industry, thereby making an impact both nationally and globally. Through their professional impact, leadership roles, global influence, and dedication to mentoring, these alumni embody the values and excellence that the College of Engineering strives to instil in its graduates.


Nomination Process

We invite nominations for the Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award from members of the KNUST community, industry professionals, and other stakeholders who have been impacted by the exemplary work of our alumni. The nomination process involves the following steps:


  1. Submission of Nomination: Nominations can be submitted by colleagues, peers, faculty members, or self-nominations. Using this link (


  1. Supporting Documents: The nomination must be accompanied by supporting documents, including:
  • A detailed description of the nominee’s professional achievements and their impact.
  • Evidence of leadership roles and contributions to the industry.
  • Documentation of honours, awards, or recognitions received.
  • A summary of global influence, highlighting involvement in international projects or initiatives.
  • Testimonials or evidence of mentorship efforts within the engineering community.


  1. Evaluation: A panel of judges, comprising esteemed members of the KNUST College of Engineering, industry experts, and alumni representatives, will evaluate the nominations based on the outlined metrics of evaluation.


  1. Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by 25.10.2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.


  1. Announcement of Awardee: The recipient of the Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award will be announced during the KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards, Fundraising & Dinner 2024


Eligibility and Metrics

To be eligible for the Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award, nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Alumni Status: The nominee must be a graduate of the KNUST College of Engineering.
  • Professional Experience: The nominee must demonstrate significant professional achievements, innovation, or leadership in their chosen field.
  • Demonstrated Impact: The nominee must have significantly impacted their professional field, contributing to national or global advancements in engineering.
  • Leadership and Influence: The nominee should have held leadership roles that reflect their influence and responsibility within their profession.
  • Commitment to Mentorship: The nominee should have made notable efforts in mentoring emerging professionals or students in engineering.



Recent Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award



The KNUST College of Engineering Recent Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award recognises alumni who have graduated within the past ten years and have demonstrated exceptional professional achievements early in their careers. This award celebrates those who have made significant strides in their respective fields through professional accomplishments, innovation, leadership, and consistent career progression. The award aims to honour these individuals' commitment, ingenuity, and impact within a relatively short period since their graduation.


Nomination Process

Nominations for the Recent Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award are open to members of the KNUST community, industry professionals, and peers who wish to recognise the exceptional achievements of our recent alumni. The nomination process is as follows:


  1. Submission of Nomination: Nominations can be submitted by colleagues, employers, mentors, faculty members, or through self-nomination. Using this link (


  1. Supporting Documents: The nomination must include supporting documents that provide evidence of the nominee's achievements. These documents should include:
  • A detailed overview of the nominee’s professional accomplishments.
  • Examples of innovation, leadership, or entrepreneurial ventures led by the nominee.
  • Documentation of awards, recognitions, or honours received.
  • A summary of the nominee’s career progression over the past ten years.


  1. Evaluation: A selection committee comprising faculty members, industry experts, and alumni representatives will evaluate the nominations based on the specified metrics of evaluation.


  1. Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by 25.10.2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.


  1. Announcement of Awardee: The award recipient will be announced during the KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards, Fundraising & Dinner 2024


Eligibility and Metrics

To be eligible for the Recent Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award, nominees must meet the following criteria:


  • Recent Graduate: The nominee must have graduated from the KNUST College of Engineering within the past ten years.
  • Professional Experience: The nominee must demonstrate significant professional achievements, innovation, or leadership in their chosen field.
  • Career Progression: The nominee should show evidence of consistent career growth and impact within the ten-year period since their graduation.
  • Recognition: The nominee must have received recognitions, honours, or awards that highlight their contributions to their industry.



Distinguished Alumni Award for Academic Excellence



The KNUST College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award for Academic Excellence is established to recognise alumni who have demonstrated exceptional achievements within the academic arena. This award honours individuals who have contributed significantly to research, innovation, and leadership in academia. These distinguished alumni have advanced their knowledge and inspired the next generation of engineers and scholars through their impactful publications, patents, research grants, academic leadership, and various honours.


Nomination Process

Nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award for Academic Excellence are open to members of the KNUST community, academic colleagues, industry professionals, and peers who wish to honour alumni who have excelled in academic pursuits. The nomination process is as follows:


  1. Submission of Nomination: Nominations can be submitted by peers, colleagues, students, faculty members, or through self-nomination. Using this link (


  1. Supporting Documents: The nomination must include supporting documentation highlighting the nominee’s achievements. This should include:
  • A list of publications, including peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and conference papers, with details on the impact and relevance in their field.
  • Details of patents filed and granted, including their significance and applications.
  • Evidence of research grants and funding, including the amount, sources, and prestige.
  • A summary of academic leadership roles, such as department head, dean, or other significant positions.
  • Documentation of awards, honours, fellowships, and recognitions from academic and professional organisations.
  1. Evaluation: A selection committee comprising esteemed members of the KNUST College of Engineering, academic experts, and alumni representatives will review the nominations based on the provided metrics of evaluation.


  1. Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by 25.10.2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.


  1. Announcement of Awardee: The recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award for Academic Excellence will be announced] during the KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards, Fundraising & Dinner 2024


Eligibility and Metrics

To be eligible for the Distinguished Alumni Award for Academic Excellence, nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Alumni Status: The nominee must be a graduate of the KNUST College of Engineering.
  • Academic Contributions: The nominee must have demonstrated significant achievements in academia, including publications, patents, and contributions to advancing their field of study.
  • Research Excellence: The nominee should have secured research grants and funding, contributing to impactful research and innovation.
  • Academic Leadership: The nominee must have held academic leadership roles, such as department head, dean, or other significant positions that demonstrate their influence and contribution to academia.
  • Recognition and Honors: The nominee should have received awards, honours, fellowships, or other recognitions that highlight their excellence in academic pursuits.



Distinguished Alumni Award for Career Achievement



The KNUST College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award for Career Achievement recognises alumni who have demonstrated significant business, institutional leadership, or professional accomplishments. This award honours those who have reached remarkable career milestones, such as serving as CEOs of top engineering firms, introducing groundbreaking innovations, or holding influential positions in their industry. These distinguished alumni have impacted the engineering field through their professional accomplishments and pioneering influence, setting an example for future generations.


Nomination Process

Nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award for Career Achievement are open to members of the KNUST community, industry peers, and other stakeholders who wish to recognise alumni for their exceptional career achievements. The nomination process is as follows:


  1. Submission of Nomination: Nominations can be submitted by colleagues, industry professionals, faculty members, or through self-nomination. Using this link (


  1. Supporting Documents: Nominations should include supporting documents that demonstrate the nominee's career achievements and influence. This should include:
  • A detailed account of the nominee’s professional accomplishments, including patents, publications, major innovations, and industry-specific awards.
  • Examples of groundbreaking technologies or methodologies introduced by the nominee that have transformed their industry.
  • Evidence of leadership roles, such as CEO, director, or other executive positions held in leading engineering firms or institutions.
  • Any additional documentation highlighting the nominee's influence and recognition within their industry.


  1. Evaluation: A panel of judges, including KNUST College of Engineering faculty members, industry leaders, and alumni representatives, will evaluate the nominations based on the specified metrics of evaluation.


  1. Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by 25.10.2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.


  1. Announcement of Awardee: The recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award for Career Achievement will be announced during the KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards, Fundraising & Dinner 2024


Eligibility and Metrics

To be eligible for the Distinguished Alumni Award for Career Achievement, nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Alumni Status: The nominee must be a graduate of the KNUST College of Engineering.
  • Professional Impact: The nominee must have achieved notable career milestones in business, institutional leadership, or professional accomplishments.
  • Innovation and Influence: The nominee should have introduced groundbreaking technologies or methodologies that have significantly transformed their industry.
  • Leadership Roles: The nominee must have held prominent positions, such as CEO, director, or other executive roles in leading engineering firms or institutions.
  • Industry Recognition: The nominee should be recognised within their industry for their influence, achievements, and contributions to engineering.



Distinguished Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation



The KNUST College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is dedicated to recognizing alumni who have demonstrated remarkable achievements in the fields of research, design, creation, or ideation of original concepts. This award celebrates individuals who have not only brought innovative ideas to life but have also successfully turned these ideas into impactful ventures. It honors alumni who have established startups or self-made businesses that have contributed significantly to economic growth and job creation, prioritized sustainability and corporate social responsibility, and demonstrated the ability to scale and expand their enterprises both domestically and internationally.


Nomination Process

Nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation are open to members of the KNUST community, industry professionals, peers, and others who wish to recognize the outstanding entrepreneurial achievements of our alumni. The nomination process is as follows:


  1. Submission of Nomination: Nominations can be submitted by colleagues, partners, faculty members, or through self-nomination. Using this link (


  1. Supporting Documents: Nominations should include supporting documentation that highlights the nominee’s entrepreneurial achievements. This should include:


  • A detailed description of the nominee's original idea or concept, including evidence of innovation, research, design, and creation.
  • Evidence of achievements in a startup or self-made business, such as company size, number of employees (including if they employ over 100 people), and contributions to economic growth and job creation.
  • Information on sustainability practices and corporate social responsibility initiatives undertaken by the nominee's venture.
  • Evidence of scalability and business expansion, including domestic and international growth.
  • Any additional documentation, such as awards, recognitions, or testimonials that emphasize the nominee’s impact and success.


  1. Evaluation: A selection committee comprising faculty members, industry leaders, and entrepreneurial experts will review the nominations based on the metrics outlined for evaluation.


  1. Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by 25.10.2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.


  1. Announcement of Awardee: The recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation will be announced during the KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards, Fundraising & Dinner 2024


Eligibility and Metrics

To be eligible for the Distinguished Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Alumni Status: The nominee must be a graduate of the KNUST College of Engineering.
  • Entrepreneurial Achievement: The nominee must have demonstrated significant achievements in research, design, creation, or ideation of an original idea or concept.
  • Startup or Business Success: The nominee should have founded or led a startup or self-made business, achieving notable success, such as employing over 100 people and contributing to economic growth and job creation.
  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility: The nominee’s venture should prioritise sustainability and have a positive social impact.
  • Mentorship and Leadership: The nominee must have taken on mentorship and leadership roles, contributing to the development of other engineers or leading engineering organisations.



Recent Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation



The KNUST College of Engineering Recent Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation honours alumni who have graduated within the past ten years and have demonstrated exceptional achievements in research, design, creation, or ideation of original ideas or concepts. This award recognises those who have successfully launched startups or self-made businesses, developed new technologies, contributed to engineering knowledge, and promoted sustainable practices within a relatively short period. It also highlights individuals who have taken on mentorship and leadership roles, inspiring others in the field of engineering.


Nomination Process

Nominations for the Recent Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation are open to members of the KNUST community, industry professionals, and peers who wish to recognise outstanding recent alumni. The nomination process is as follows:


  1. Submission of Nomination: Nominations can be submitted by colleagues, partners, faculty members, or through self-nomination. Using this link (


  1. Supporting Documents: Nominations should be accompanied by supporting documentation that provides evidence of the nominee’s achievements. This should include:
  • A detailed account of the nominee’s technical innovations, including the development of new technologies, products, or processes.
  • Evidence of research contributions, including publications or other significant contributions to engineering knowledge.
  • Information on the launch and growth of any engineering-related startups led by the nominee.
  • Documentation of sustainability initiatives and practices implemented by the nominee.
  • Examples of mentorship and leadership roles taken by the nominee in engineering organisations or initiatives.
  • Any additional awards, recognitions, or testimonials highlighting the nominee’s impact and success in entrepreneurship and innovation.


  1. Evaluation: A selection committee comprising KNUST College of Engineering faculty members, industry experts, and alumni representatives will evaluate the nominations based on the outlined metrics.


  1. Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by 25.10.2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.


  1. Announcement of Awardee: The recipient of the Recent Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation will be announced during the KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards, Fundraising & Dinner 2024


Eligibility and Metrics

To be eligible for the Recent Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Recent Graduate: The nominee must have graduated from the KNUST College of Engineering within the last ten years.
  • Technical Innovation: The nominee must have developed new technologies, products, or processes that demonstrate significant technical innovation.
  • Startup Success: The nominee must have successfully launched and grown an engineering-related startup or self-made business.
  • Sustainability: The nominee should have implemented sustainable engineering practices within their ventures.
  • Scalability: The nominee must have successfully scaled their business, demonstrating domestic or international growth.



Outstanding Corporate Organization Award



The KNUST College of Engineering Outstanding Corporate Organization Award recognises corporate partners who have made exceptional contributions to the College of Engineering through financial support, knowledge-sharing, collaborative projects, and innovation. This award honours companies that have demonstrated a commitment to enhancing the educational experience of engineering students by providing financial contributions, supporting student development programs, offering internships, and fostering innovation and technological advancement within the college. These organisations play a vital role in bridging the gap between academia and industry, enriching the learning environment, and preparing students for successful careers in engineering.


Nomination Process

Nominations for the Outstanding Corporate Organization Award are open to faculty members, staff, students, and industry professionals who wish to recognise companies that have significantly supported the College of Engineering. The nomination process is as follows:


  1. Submission of Nomination: Nominations can be submitted by any member of the KNUST community, industry partners, or other stakeholders. Using this link (


  1. Supporting Documents: Nominations must be accompanied by supporting documentation that outlines the company’s contributions. This should include:
  • Details of financial contributions made by the company to various initiatives and projects within the College of Engineering.
  • Evidence of the company’s involvement in student development programs, such as the CoE Mentorship Program, internship programs, career fairs, etc., and other knowledge and expertise support initiatives.
  • Information on collaborative projects with the College of Engineering, including internship opportunities provided to students.
  • Any additional testimonials or evidence of the company's impact on the College of Engineering and its students.


  1. Evaluation: A selection committee comprising KNUST College of Engineering faculty members, industry representatives, and alumni will review the nominations based on the specified metrics of evaluation.


  1. Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by 25.10.2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.


  1. Announcement of Awardee: The recipient of the Outstanding Corporate Organization Award will be announced during the KNUST College of Engineering Alumni Excellence Awards, Fundraising & Dinner 2024.


Eligibility and Metrics

To be eligible for the Outstanding Corporate Organization Award, companies must meet the following criteria:

  • Financial Contributions: The company must have made significant financial contributions to initiatives or projects within the College of Engineering.
  • Knowledge and Expertise Support: The company should have actively participated in student development programs or provided support through knowledge-sharing initiatives, such as the CoE Mentorship Program.
  • Collaborative Projects: The company must have provided internship opportunities or other collaborative projects that enhance the practical experience and career readiness of engineering students.
  • Innovation and Technological Advancements: The company should have supported innovation within the College of Engineering, such as contributing to labs or donating equipment and resources that enhance the college's capabilities.


The content of the Google form


Google Forms/Online form

Nomination Form (College of Engineering Awards 2024)


Name of Nominee:

Nominee Email:

Year of Completion:

Program of Study:


Award Category:

  • Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award
  • Recent Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award
  • Distinguished Alumni Award for Academic Excellence
  • Distinguished Alumni Award for Career Achievement
  • Distinguished Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Recent Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Outstanding Corporate Organization Award


Nominated By:

Year of Completion:

Program of Study:


Upload supporting documents (All files as one PDF file)