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The KNUST Carbon Intensity Calculator (KCIC)

The KNUST Carbon Intensity Calculator (KCIC)

The KNUST Carbon Intensity Calculator (KCIC)


A group of final-year students of the Department of Petroleum Engineering have developed an application that can be used to calculate the carbon intensity of any Department, Unit or Facility in KNUST in less than 10 minutes to boost sustainability reporting. Developed at the Net-Zero Carbon Emission Lab (NCEL), the KNUST Carbon Intensity Calculator (KCIC) is a user-friendly application that can be used for comprehensive assessment and monitoring of direct (scope 1) and indirect (scope 2 and 3) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of any unit in KNUST. 

Universities and other institutions of higher learning have a key role to play in actualising the national and global GHG emissions reduction targets. First, universities are among the highest GHG emitters in the country as they oversee large communities of staff, students, partners, and contractors. Second, university communities serve as near-perfect models for developing, testing, and implementing innovative climate solutions that can be deployed nationwide. Third, society expects universities to be exemplary leaders in climate action. With a population of over 100,000 and one of the most dynamic academic environments in Africa, the carbon footprint of KNUST is of interest to all stakeholders. This KCIC application is being developed as part of the KNUST Net-Zero Emissions Project at NCEL, which seeks to conduct a comprehensive baseline carbon intensity assessment of KNUST and develop a robust monitoring framework to guide decarbonisation of the university to achieve set net-zero targets.

The KNUST Carbon Intensity Calculator (KCIC)


The team, which is supervised by Dr. Yen Adams Sokama-Neuyam, consist of Twum Gideon Kokuro, Ankamah Edmond Peprah, Boateng Adjei Enoch, Mensah Pamela, Amoah Mark Benison Junior and Mumuni Kamil.